Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I've been so busy today!

So, this is my third post today. But I saw these pics and had to post them as well.
Words just can't describe how much I love the CV. And as lame as my drive to B.C. is I love the grandeur of the morning. It was much better looking then my camera can take.

At Christmas time I was out at the homestead and me Mum made treats...this is the cutting device of which brought me joy beyond imagination.

And last buy not least! My cute little Jack Jack. He is almost or just turned one. SO CUTE!<


Shellianne said...

I don't know many people that have an old school cleaver at home.

I'm a little frightened and inspired.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know how old the cleaver is since it was found in the old dumb waiter when we moved into the house in 1977. One thing is for sure: it is heavy!!!
Love you, Mom xoxoxo

Elise said...

Kristin! I didn't know you had a blog! That makes me JUST s'happy! I have one too :) Now we can be facebook friends AND blogger friends! Whoa, that's hard core :)
So I was reading your posts and when you say B.C. are you talking about Canada? I'm confused.
How was your Christmas and New Year's?