Sunday, November 9, 2008

I am a lone reed...

So today (since nothing exciting has been happening) I'm going to share with you one of my favorite pictures. I took this back in the day whilst I was still living in Washington. I love what it physically looks like as well as what it symbolically means to me. The next thing is a sonnet that the lovely Skrievie brought to my attention. All of you may or may not know this about me, but I have a soft spot for poetry and this feeds into my darker joy. P.S. I'm not currently depressed just reflective on this beautiful, but dreary Sabbath.

My love is as a fever longing still
For that which longer nurseth the disease,
Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill,
Th'uncertain sickly appetite to please.
My reason, the physician to my love,
Angry that his prescriptions are not kept,
I lath left me, and I desperate now approve
Desire is death, which physic did except.
Past cure I am, now reason is past care,
And frantic mad with evermore unrest;
My thoughts and my discourse as madmen's are,
At random from the truth vainly expressed:
For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright,
Who art as black as hell, as dark as night.
-Sonnet 147-


Anonymous said...

k- I'm trying to decide if you have read twilight series because it is about vampires, or if you haven't read it because it is too trendy?? Which is right?

Mandy said...

Oh Kristin. I'm at a magical place and missing your face. It's 5:08 and normally you'd be rubbing it in that you get to leave in 22 minutes.

Anonymous said...

you've been tagged!!