Sunday, March 2, 2008

Welcome to my childhood!

I loved Mad Max and the Thunderdome! Brings back so many Saturday afternoon movies!


Shellianne said...

oh man. i need to be tina for halloween.

Anonymous said...

Tim saw your blog and asked,'Who's that? (referring to Tina Turner) and then, "What's 'Mad Max at Thunderdome'?" So, I guess Saturday- afternoons-after-the-weekend-chores-movie-time is now history!!! (Unless, of course, you happen to have a dvd of Mad Max...hehehe!) We need to expose Tim to some well-worn Davis traditions!!!
love you, Mom xoxoxo

Adrianna said...

dude. She totally rocks that outfit. I want to make fun of her...but I can't. Because she's tina turner. And way hot.

Andrea said...

Tim is deprived! He has been watching too much "Road to RIIIO!"